
Tuesday, October 26, 2010



At the ending of the movie Inception, Cobb twirls his token.

You can see the token being steady while he's with his children and his father. You expect it to fall because at one point it wobbles, but then it becomes straight again. The movie ends in a cliffhanger, since his token does not fall, indicating the fact that he is still "dreaming".

Inception, in a way, is just like the Matrix. Christopher Nolan certainly wanted to connect the dots of reality, but probably without knowing it. The last scene certainly says the words very clear: THIS IS AN ILLUSION! So, there you go. Yet another movie that had your mind bended, and in the end it leads to a simple concept. What we are seeing is not real, it's an illusion. Sure it can be called a dream state, but I don't think that's what it is. It's just the thing our physical forms live iin, while the soul can see something else when it will become awakened.

This goes backto my previous post (I forgot to mention it). Once someone becomes elightened, it will see the world the way IT REALLY IS! All you have to do is stive hard and you'll get there, being rewarded with "awakening" and seeing the world in REALITY! ;)

Mind bending post... but you surely understand.

~~ Dark Shade

Thursday, October 21, 2010


The reason why our soul incarnates over and over again is to become enlightened. One cannot become enlightened like a snap of the fingers. They have to take it one step at a time. This process may take a lifetime... or... MANY LIFETIMES :O !! Jesus Christ is the only human being that was enlightened from the moment he was born.

This also has to do with the different heavens and hells. This is all a spiritual concept really. But no one will be able to know for sure, unless their soul can recall all the places it has been to.

The concept of more than one heaven and more than one hell come from our consciousness which is the only thing that both our physical and pure forms share. Our consciousness can be divided in many levels. But there are two main categories. INTEGRITY and NON-INTEGRITY. The levels of integrity will lead the sould to one of the heavens. The levels of non-integrity will lead the soul to one of the hells.

Some people believe that there are 6 hells (due to the devils number) and 7 heavens (because 7 is a holy number).

According to the map of consciousness, there are 8 levels of integrity and 7 levels of non-integrity. So maybe, there are 8 heavens and 7 hells.

Hope this kind of cleared up the incarnation concept and the heavens and hells belief.

~~ Dark Shade

PS: This is described from the point of view and understanding of a teenager. You may completely disagree with what I have to say. I don't care, because I haven't figured out many things in life either. However, I am trying to.

Human Beings

We people are beings of energy. Due to our soul wich is purely made from energy. However, in this form, this physical form, there are 7 main energy points. These energy points are called CHAKRAS, and they are made from purely spiritual energy. Too much or too little energy in one chakra can be the cause health problems or frustrations in everyday life.

chakras.gif CHAKRAS image by trauma512ma 

~~ Dark Shade

Monday, October 18, 2010

Ranting On This Thing We Call Reality

When we think about the world we live in, trees, and water, and friends, and places, and cars, etc. pop in our mind (sorry about all the and's but they are necessary). However, in REALITY, they don't even have names. Humans were the ones who came up with all these names. They were not meant to be named. They merely exist for our good, we, HUMAN BEINGS categorized them to make sense in some bigger power we have not yet learnt to believe in.

Some people are totally opposed with this knowledge. They think that everything we see and percieve is real. But some, think that the world was created by a higher power that our human minds cannot understand. I am not saying that God is that higher power, but he is a posibility.

That's why the movie Matrix (at least the first one) was a huge success. Because the director somehow tried connecting the dots in this world to try percieving what our human minds cannot. Although the whole concept of living in an alternate reality where the real reality was the world full of robots and humans were hunted to extinction was a bit far-fetched. BUT he was one of those people who wanted to understand how this 'reality' works.
In truth, our human bodies are not real. They are only physical forms where our SOUL (which is the real deal) resides for a period of time.

Get this: people cannot understand the fact that we have lived past lives. They are too afraid of such revelations. But some, believe, and I personally know people who have connected to their past lives (not all of them of course) but some figments of them. We do not have the memories of living past lives because that concept would be too painful for the human mind. However, when someone's physical form dies (see how I didn't say 'when someone dies') their soul is given back the memory of those other lives it has lived.

Also, the soul doesn't have a name. We are baptized and given names and what not, but that doens't matter to such a pure form. You can contradict me that there is no such thing and when someone dies their 'presence' goes to heaven or hell.

Here is another astonishing revelation: there are different types of hell and different types of heaven.


I have overwhelmed you and you have no idea what to understand of this, but if you are an openminded person and believe in what I'm saying and even understand, keep reading... and if the next thing feel like a smack across the face. I'm sorry.

When a soul is incarnated in a physical form, it chooses a time/date of death. But what one's soul doesn't know is HOW it will die. So technically, right now, right in this moment, you know when ou are going to die.

You can stop reading if you wish.

OK, back on topic brave souls.

So... the things we call trees, aren't trees. And those things they grow, aren't leaves. That's just the human definition of things. The truth is, is that nothing has a name. Like I said, it merely exists. Reality is not reality anymore.

This whole world is technically speaking AN ILLUSION. Yes, illusion. It's not real. And you're asking me: What is Real and What is Not? That's a hard question to answer. Since this world is an illusion you'd technically have to be 'awakened'. And you can... but that's another topic for another time. And that will be a confusing post.

I'm sorry of you feel sick to the stomach of what I have written here, but just... try yourself to make sense of these things. 

~~Dark Shade

Friday, October 8, 2010


I have mentioned before that I'm working on some... novels?! I prefer to call them stories because every novel tells a story. You understand...right?

So, I have started another one :D

I am currently writing:
- GreeN EyeS (started in February)
-Cold Figure (started in May)
And now...
-Dark (started in October)


It's very exciting when I suddenly get inspired and I can finally write. That's exactly how I started writing "DARK". A thought suddenly came to me and from then, I've worked out different scearios. BUT!! All I have is how the story begins. I have no idea where the plot will go and how it will develop. Hopefully, I wil get smitten with imagination.

Poetry is dying, but keep writing to keep it alive!

~~Dark Shade

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I like me FISHIES!
They so cute and cuddly and virtual.

Yes, I know, this has absolutely nothing to do with WRITING... but you know, I like being random like the awesome people in this world. :D

Just a random rant on virtual things.

Life is something that has become virtual. No longer are people going outside for walks or to play sports, or even talk to their friends. Now, there's the Wii and XBOX and PlayStation consoles that steal away our reality. And don't even let me get started on MSN and Yahoo and Facebook. Teenagers no longer have to go to their friends houses or on the phone to talk. Now everything's on the computer and people spend their time once coming home from school to going to bed in front of a screen that may damage your eyes.

This whole game consoles and internet messenger angers me because it's like, I DON'T EVEN HAVE REAL FRIENDS ANYMORE! They're just like robots stuck in front of the screen for at least ten hours each day.

ESPECIALLY when they live right next door to you. It's like a drag for them to come open the door say a few words, invite me inside and then... LET'S GO ON YOUTUBE! Or watch an online movie >:(

Really guys really?

Sure, I do this too (going on the computer and things) but at least, I go on walks to a friends house, or go to the park. Read, WRITE, and I don't know. Anything but spending 10 hours in front of the screen because it's not even healthy.

Thanks for hearing me rant.

~~Dark Shade

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Step Before 5, But After 4... Let's Just Call It 4.8

Actually, this step is RE-WRITING!! You see, if you had written something on the computer(you skipped a step! CONGRADS! :D ), you would not have to re-wrtie it and make it look neater. But that's no problem, if you hand write, that's cool. I respect that because not everyone chooses the computer, maybe to have less time spent on it. But well, everyone has their preferences.

~~Dark Shade

Friday, October 1, 2010

Step 5: I Don't Even Know What To Call It

And now I have to dissapoint you guys. I have no idea what else you could do. Initially, Step 5 should be publishing, but I doubt many of you will try to. Congradulations to those who will make the effort though. I really respect you guys. You can research up a few magazines in your nearby proximity that publish teen/young adult/adult things in the newspapers/magazines. I have a few websites, but I have to find them first because I do not have them on this computer >:(.

So maybe you WON'T publish whatever you have written. Here's some comfort, YOU CAN POST IT ONLINE!!
Yes, yes you can. You can make a blog like me or a website where you post your works/writings/whatever. It's going to be all yours. A few of my friends have done this, and if I get permission from them, I will give you their website.

If I get a bit more views, maybe I'll post my chapters up as well. I am currently writing two books, and have gotten 2 ideas for other ones. I also write short stories, so you know... I'll post em just for ya ;3.

~~Dark Shade

PS: I know, this should be the last post from the writing process, but I will find other interesting things to post up for you dedicated writers, or the ones who want to get started on wiriting :).

Step 4: Revising/Editing

This may be the most frustrating step ever. Especially if you have written a long document (10 pgs or more). Trust me. I have written 60 pages for one of my books, and I have edited them at least 3 times, barely continuing the novel. Actually, I can't continue the novel right now. All my friends that I have given it to keep telling me to, but I simply can't.

Know why?

I am not inspired right at this moment. When you want to write something, it has to get poured out, but I'm stuck. My creativity hasn't gotten inspired so I can't continue.

Back to revising. Yes, it's frustrating (but if you do get in the big leagues, some people might help you with it. But even then, you're on your own.)! It's good to try this out and edit your text, although it may be long, try to enjoy the process. You can see what you are going for, complexify your ideas, and make other simpler.

A few things you need for editing:
-A quiet environment in which you can relax
-Mellowness (don't be frustrated, take it one page at a time)
-A snack :D (but really, you should be revising not eating)

Good luck to you all in editing.

~~Dark Shade

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Step 3: WRITING!! :O

Yes I know, here comes the hard part. You have to WRITE down your idea, and make something out of it. You see, in the old days people barely knew how to write. Methods of writing have certainly evolved as well. First, there was the quill and ink, then came the pencil, and then the pen, and now... TYPING!! Yes, if you really feel lazy about writing using your hand, there's the computer to go to. That's what I do. I find typing more convenient because I don't have to scratch out my mistakes and there's always the spell check (just be sure it's set on your 'dialect'). So go ahead, do use your computers if you want to (I suggest it) but there's no problem in writing on paper with a pen or pencil.


You might also feel a dread to write. You can't get a firm grasp on your ideas. That's no problem, you will pull your things together. But try, when you are super bored and have nothing to do, to think of different scenarios that may be part of your piece. Figure out different possibilities, what may happen or what might not. Think the unthinkable! Thought that will certainly require a lot of brain power on your part >:O
Brain powers good, it helps you develop yer thinkin machine.

~~Dark Shade