Step 3: WRITING!! :O
Yes I know, here comes the hard part. You have to WRITE down your idea, and make something out of it. You see, in the old days people barely knew how to write. Methods of writing have certainly evolved as well. First, there was the quill and ink, then came the pencil, and then the pen, and now... TYPING!! Yes, if you really feel lazy about writing using your hand, there's the computer to go to. That's what I do. I find typing more convenient because I don't have to scratch out my mistakes and there's always the spell check (just be sure it's set on your 'dialect'). So go ahead, do use your computers if you want to (I suggest it) but there's no problem in writing on paper with a pen or pencil.
You might also feel a dread to write. You can't get a firm grasp on your ideas. That's no problem, you will pull your things together. But try, when you are super bored and have nothing to do, to think of different scenarios that may be part of your piece. Figure out different possibilities, what may happen or what might not. Think the unthinkable! Thought that will certainly require a lot of brain power on your part >:O
Brain powers good, it helps you develop yer thinkin machine.
~~Dark Shade
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