I know that's not the way to spell ouija, just please, keep bearing with me.
Has it been 2 moths or what, since I have ranted?
Well, that doesn't matter, I'm here now and ready to enlighten y'all.
I know the topic of ouija boards is very common, but since recently, I never really gave these cardboard in-cripted things much thought. But now I do.
And people always wonder why are they always channeling the bad spirits and not the good ones?
The answer is simple. A person can talk all they want to their dead aunt, or sibling, or parent for example and the spirits will hear you. They are always there and you can communicate with them at will. Ouija boards are ONE of the many ways to call up entities. The item itself isn't alive, but the energy channeled in it brings these entities forth and thins out the veil. It's possible people do not know the risks these items pose.
But seriously, if in a room with one, do NOT meddle with it. You have no idea what can come out of there. One last thing: entities are deceitful little bastards who pose for someone you might be familiar with. They have the power to get this knowledge, but do not ask how because I do not know how they do it.
Just stay away, and you'll be fineeee.
~~Purple Shade