A couple of days ago, I was having this very interesting conversation with this kid from my school. It was about 'the half of your whole'. I mean, when someone thinks of half of their whole, they might have a lover in mind. However what I think, considering re-incarnations are true, the half of someone's whole will always be the same person and constant throughout all those lifetimes.
I was telling another friend about this yesterday and she said that this person doesn't have to be your lover. And I definitely agreed with her since throughout lifetimes we change who we are. So in one lifetime, they might be your lover, in another, your sibling, in another, your friend, in another one of your parents. Re-incarnations are infinite and people aren't the same person twice. The things they do, shape the person they will become in the next. But this 'half of your whole' will be the same soul, just as you are the same soul for them.
I find this sort of interesting. The whole concept of having one soul constant throughout all your own lifetimes is very interesting. And I like the sounds of it. At least someone isn't a stranger.
So what do you guys think? Post a comment on your ideas if you feel comfortable doing so.
~~Dark Shade