What time is it? Summertime!
Yes, that over there ^ is from HSM (and for those of you who don;t know what that is well, it's High School Musical) but that's okay, cuz we don't care!! And that's me and my llama.
So now summer's here (I had a lovely day during the solstice and 15+ hours of sunlight) and eveyone is wearing their shorts and tanktops and T's. You know, it's awesome possum! No school for two months or whatever schedule you're on.
Regardless I have finished my history course and a lot of thinking has taken place in this teensy brain of mine. If there wasn't Hitler, then someone else would've been there. It there was no WWI, then some other war would have happened. Conflicts are inevitable, even on large scales which encompass all continents. Everyone picks their allies, because in order to get out of struggle, you need some buddies to help you out. I was looking at some pictures of the leaders during the WWII era and let me tell you... These guys look feral. Looking at Hitler: goosebumps. Looking at Stalin: shivers. Looking at Mussolini: he's kinda nyeh but still BRRRR.
I'm sorry to rain on everyone's summer parade, but I've got my thinking cap on. And it makes me want to rant and stuff. SO! Some things are going to happen one way or another. There are no whatifs shouldifs and ififs. Let nature take its course becuase you have no idea what's going to happen in the next second, or the next hour...the next day, the next week, the next year, etc.
Ponder if you like. I'm just sayin. As usual.
Purple Shade