
Monday, July 4, 2011

What Time Is It?

What time is it? Summertime!
Yes, that over there ^ is from HSM (and for those of you who don;t know what that is well, it's High School Musical) but that's okay, cuz we don't care!! And that's me and my llama.
So now summer's here (I had a lovely day during the solstice and 15+ hours of sunlight) and eveyone is wearing their shorts and tanktops and T's. You know, it's awesome possum! No school for two months or whatever schedule you're on. 
Regardless I have finished my history course and a lot of thinking has taken place in this teensy brain of mine. If there wasn't Hitler, then someone else would've been there. It there was no WWI, then some other war would have happened. Conflicts are inevitable, even on large scales which encompass all continents. Everyone picks their allies, because in order to get out of struggle, you need some buddies to help you out. I was looking at some pictures of the leaders during the WWII era and let me tell you... These guys look feral. Looking at Hitler: goosebumps. Looking at Stalin: shivers. Looking at Mussolini: he's kinda nyeh but still BRRRR. 
I'm sorry to rain on everyone's summer parade, but I've got my thinking cap on. And it makes me want to rant and stuff. SO! Some things are going to happen one way or another. There are no whatifs shouldifs and ififs. Let nature take its course becuase you have no idea what's going to happen in the next second, or the next hour...the next day, the next week, the next year, etc.
Ponder if you like. I'm just sayin. As usual.

Purple Shade

Monday, April 11, 2011

As My Buddies Say It: Wigi Boards

I know that's not the way to spell ouija, just please, keep bearing with me.
Has it been 2 moths or what, since I have ranted?
Well, that doesn't matter, I'm here now and ready to enlighten y'all. 

I know the topic of ouija boards is very common, but since recently, I never really gave these cardboard in-cripted things much thought. But now I do. 

And people always wonder why are they always channeling the bad spirits and not the good ones? 

The answer is simple. A person can talk all they want to their dead aunt, or sibling, or parent for example and the spirits will hear you. They are always there and you can communicate with them at will. Ouija boards are ONE of the many ways to call up entities. The item itself isn't alive, but the energy channeled in it brings these entities forth and thins out the veil. It's possible people do not know the risks these items pose. 

But seriously, if in a room with one, do NOT meddle with it. You have no idea what can come out of there. One last thing: entities are deceitful little bastards who pose for someone you might be familiar with. They have the power to get this knowledge, but do not ask how because I do not know how they do it.

Just stay away, and you'll be fineeee.

~~Purple Shade

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Face Behind The Mask

Alright. I'm betting most of you guys know people who 'change' their attitudes depending on who they spend their time with. It's like, there is no (e.g. of name: Annie) Annie anymore. It's like she is just another person completely who goes by the same name. 

I find people like this odd. Because why would you change who you are. You are yourself for some bigger plan, and there's no reason for you to change the person you are meant to become. You have to accept who you are. And if those people only let you hang around them due to the person you change yourself into, then let me tell you, there's something sick going on there and  you should immediately leave those individuals who are called 'friends'. 

This is very serious. You hide yourself behind this mask that some people rather see than your true self. 

When will you choose to let this mask fall and show your true colours? Stop bottling your true persona up. It's only going to mess with you later in life when you have forgotten it, then it will come crashing down on you because that is who you were meant to be. It's the face you are, not the mask. The mask you become if you let it close around you.

I have posted this beautiful masquerade mask because this is what people think. That the mask is beautiful., and accepted, and the one to become. While my face is hideous and no one likes who I truly am.
WAKE UP! You are who you are for a reason. So please, keep true to yourself and don't let others influence you into putting this mask on your gorgeous, real face.

~~Purple Shade

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Alice in Wonderland

Hello everyone. Sorry it takes me so long to post something, but the weekend is the best time to post, especially since we all got PLENTY of time.

I probably think most of my audience knows or has heard of Alice in Wonderland. Lewis Carroll's imaginary land where animals, plants, and cards can talk is a great place to find yourself in. Especially once you fall into the rabbit hole. 

In anycase, this book contains lots 'literary nonsense' as in, things don't make sense and aren't possible in the real world. I really like the world he has created, although centered on little Alice, she goes through these places somewhat believing what she is seeing. Then at the end of the book the audience finds out it's all a dream...yadi yadi yada. But really, while in Wonderland, we are greeted with smart and witty characters, anger filled actions, and some un-real situations. It's a great world to be lost in, except for when your path crosses with the Red Queen's... let's just say you'd want to hold on tight to your head.

Alice in Wonderland is this years' drama production for my school, and I am ecstatic to say that I will be part of it. I cannot wait to see how we will manage to pull of the disappearing Cheshire Cat and its big smile, plus the wacky Mad Hatter. All of Wonderland will be an adventure in itself to portray in a school auditorium. I am very excited to be part of this and watch Wonderland unveil itself in front of my own eyes.
~~Dark Shade

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hunger Games Trilogy

I'm sure lots of you guys are familiar with "The Hunger Games Trilogy" by Suzanne Collins. If you aren't you should check them out.

I really liked Suzanne Collins' idea with how North America was split into 13 Districts and a main capital (Capitol). This is a post apocalyptic world where the 'government' is autocratic. As in the Capitol has EVERYTHING and the rest of the districts vary from states of poor and fine. And every year 2 teens (boy, girl) from ages 12-18 from every District are picked to play in the Hunger Games where there can be only one victor. The rest face certain death. 

I also liked the characters Suzanne wrote up. You have sensitive, to true leader, kind to pure anger. I like the varying states in these people. 

And I have to say "Hunger Games" kicked major butt! "Catching Fire" was intriguing. "Mockingjay" was disappointing. It was disappointing because it seemed to me that Suzanne Collins wrote the book really fast. She didn't really give the audience a concrete ending.

I am writing a fan fiction from one of a 'dead' characters' point of view, because I was REALLY UNSATISFIED as to how this character's ending came to be.

~~Dark Shade

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I know this is super random but all the schools have been closed due to huge winter storm. And you know what that means... SNOW DAY!! Yes, a day where you are snowed in and when it usually takes you 20 minutes to get there by car, it will probably take someone and hour or two.

That's the beauty of it all. Just staying at home doing nothing... In my case, finishing homework. I'm such a bad girl I know, but hey, homework won't make itself... sadly...

In any case... Enjoy snow days. Because there aren't a lot of them where all schools will close down due to the snowy weather.

This has been my second snow day ever!! And I'm loving every minute of it!! 

Dark Shade

Friday, January 28, 2011

Half of Your Whole

A couple of days ago, I was having this very interesting conversation with this kid from my school. It was about 'the half of your whole'. I mean, when someone thinks of half of their whole, they might have a lover in mind. However what I think, considering re-incarnations are true, the half of someone's whole will always be the same person and constant throughout all those lifetimes.

I was telling another friend about this yesterday and she said that this person doesn't have to be your lover. And I definitely agreed with her since throughout lifetimes we change who we are. So in one lifetime, they might be your lover, in another, your sibling, in another, your friend, in another one of your parents. Re-incarnations are infinite and people aren't the same person twice. The things they do, shape the person they will become in the next. But this 'half of your whole' will be the same soul, just as you are the same soul for them.
I find this sort of interesting. The whole concept of having one soul constant throughout all your own lifetimes is very interesting. And I like the sounds of it. At least someone isn't a stranger. 

So what do you guys think? Post a comment on your ideas if you feel comfortable doing so.

~~Dark Shade

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Ok, so people, here is a MARVELOUS invention of the new world... NUTELLA. 
I was having a late night conversation when my stomach started rumbling and so I put the convo on hold and went to get something to eat. The fridge was kinda empty and then I saw... Drumroll please... NUTELLA. I mean, who doesn't LOVE Nutella? It's all chocolatey goodness which you can eat with pretty much anything. Like topping a crepe, eating it with the spoon, spreading Nutella on bread. Just talking about it makes me hungry -salivates-.

Enough about this topic. Imma go to kitchen and eat some now.

~~Dark Shade

Friday, January 14, 2011

The New Year and The Year Afterward

Happy New Year everyone.

Though I am 14 days late, that's ok. It's never to late to wish someone a happy birthday... maybe I'm early for next year.

So, for the holidays I went on a trip to Mexico, BY CAR! And we went through various states.
In order: Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennesse, Mississippi, Arkansas, Texas and then the various areas in Mexico, which I have no idea of what they are called. But I'mdefinitely not telling you where I come from ;).

In anycase, the radio receptions changed over time and the car received different radio stations. While we were in Texas (they be one Christian obsessed state) there was a station that talked about various things.

And one of them was that the 'end of the world' is going to be on May 21, 2011.
How odd no?!
I mean, isn't it supposed to be DECEMBER 21, 2012.
Then when I get back home, my mother tells me another time, November 21, 2011.

I do not understand the reasoning to so many 'ends of the world'. There's been a theory in the new millenuim and then before that.
I mean, if the end of the world did come, then why the fudge muffin do WE KNOW IT'S COMING!
Isn't it supposed to be like a... SURPRISE to everyone, when one day you wake up and you get burned to death due to an atomic bomb or something like that.

Revelations had said that the world will not get over the year 3000, so ANYTIME in THAT TIME of one more millenium, the world can end. And who are we, HUMANS, to say that we KNOW when the end of the world is coming. The only BEING (see how I didn't refer to it as HUMAN) is the thing that created this world. If it is a being for that matter of fact.

So the end will NOT be May 21, November 21, 2011 or DECEMBER 21, 2012.

Ok so, the planets WILL be aligned on that day in December next year. But who says that the gravitational forces will unleash the end. It is true that natural disasters will happen and all that other crap, but humanity will still be going on and about after the disasters will take place.


Like I said, one day you will wake up... not in your physical body but your soul.

This is a mind-boggling world if you ask me.

~~Dark Shade

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Something We All Know

"Love is meant to destroy."

This is one quote I can tell you, makes the most perfect sense. Because it's true.

I've had friends tell me they are in love. And it made me wonder... what is this feeling they are experiencing? However now, I'm afraid to know. Because some friends got their heart broken, and nothing can repair it anymore.

This quote is somehow scary. Putting it all blunt and on the page. But really... it's true.

Love is meant to destroy. If you love someone so much and they tell you they love you, you believe them. Then after a while things start going downhill you know? That boy you love doesn't love you back. And what do you do when you can't do anything? You just sit there all by yourself feeling this heart of yours crack.

Personally, I've never had this happen to me. So maybe I don't know what I'm talking about, but that's left for you to decide.

~~Dark Shade